Posted on 11/30/2017
It used to be as common as falling leaves in autumn for people to work on their own cars. And while this red-blooded American pastime has not completely disappeared from our world, the expense and complexity of newer cars make some repairs best left to the professionals. Here is a quick list of, "Don't try this at home"' auto repairs:1. Check Engine Diagnostics - With everyone from big box parts stores to smartphone app developers making it possible to talk to the computer in your car, many drivers think they can deal with a check engine light themselves. Here's the problem: many check engine codes are vague and require more sophisticated equipment to really get to the bottom of the story. And please don't just turn the light off thinking you will fix the problem. This is like trying to cure a heart attack by unplugging the EKG. Let the pros read the codes, apply their educated ability to decipher the codes and get the root cause of the problem cured.2. Tir ... read more
Posted on 11/9/2017

Few things typify the holidays like hitting the road to share the magic of the season with family and friends. But with the road choked with other drivers, winter weather hazards, and long empty stretches of sleepy asphalt, a holiday road trip can quickly turn ugly. Keep the joy meter pegged by taking a few precautions to prepare for your trip. 1. Get Your Pre-drive ZZZZZs - Drowsy driving is a largely unheralded hazard, taking a back seat to more socially active no-no's like texting and drinking while driving. A sleepy driver is a gigantic hazard to themselves, passengers and everyone on the road. Make sure you are well rested for the drive and you will find the trip much safer and more enjoyable. 2. Secure the Figgie Pudding - In the event of a collision, packages, food, electronics and other holiday items become airborne hazards and can cause significant harm to passengers. Ensure everything you carry to grandma's house is secured, preferably in the trunk or b ... read more